Thursday, February 7, 2013

Customize Your Booth! Merchandising Your Products at Craft Fairs

Check out lots more craft fair and store displays on my Pinterest Board HERE

Leah Duncan packaged her lovely tea towels with her name! This is adorable and a very memorable way of packaging soft goods. You could use your own signature, or a handwriting font to create a similar effect. 

DIY Customize Your Hangers! This is an awesome idea! Wooden hangers look MUCH nicer than those plastic ones. They are uniform, and space your clothing and hanging products out very nicely. 

Giant Dwarf has created custom packaging for an assortment of items. The black and white photo of the girl's hair is awesome, and will match any color product. The coffee cups are super cute ways to show how those cozies are used.

I would imagine that this booth at Craft 2.0 has their name on each and every product. 

A sign at eye-level engages shoppers from a distance. These magnets are packaged so perfectly too! Displayed inside of an old suitcase that's retro-fitted with peg board...genius!

And here is an example of some modern earring packaging. I know it's easy to just attach them to a business card but hang tags / cardstock backing is a great alternative. 

That's all for now :) How do you merchandise your products and package them for a more cohesive look in your booth or shop?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Parsimonia Presents Spring Fling in The City (St. Louis Area) - May 11, 2013

This looks like an amazing show in the St. Louis area! 
Parsimonia Spring Fling 
May 11, 2013 (10am-4pm). 
They have already had a lot of people apply, so apply sooner than later! 


Spring Fling in the City is all about love: love of vintage, love of handmade and love of local. It's an event inspired by times past, where old is new again and everything has potential. And what better place to showcase such a spirit than the beautifully restored Crown Square?

All the fun will happen from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 11 on North 14th Street between St. Louis Avenue and Montgomery Street and will feature 40-50 vendors selling vintage clothing, accessories and home decor, and/or vintage-inspired handmade items.

We'll also have some hands-on activities led by local crafty business owners; live music featuring local artists; and, for the children of the '80s, a video game lounge featuring those Mario Bros. we all know so well.

Food trucks will also be on hand to serve the masses with local fare, as well as local eateries Crown Candy and La Mancha Coffehouse. You'll also have the chance to shop local businesses while you're in the neighborhood, such as vintage/resale boutique Closet RepeatsRambles Gift Gallery & Boutique and Therapy Boutique.

So come on out before the Cards game, find some unique treasures, eat some good food and celebrate the spirit of revitalization!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Springfield (IL) Art Association - Call for Entries: "Botanicals"

Call for Entries: Botanicals - April 26-May18, 2013
Location: Springfield, IL Art Association
Applications Due: March 15, 2013

The Springfield, IL Art Association (SAA) has a special place in my heart. When I was younger, I used to take various art classes there, and when I was 13, I volunteered as a camp counselor. It was a really fun place to explore art as a kid. 

The SAA is located in the oldest home in Springfield, IL and they have a nice art gallery. They also have a couple of really good, fine art fairs which I will blog about soon. 

Anyway, the SAA is accepting applications for a fine art show, where they display your work from April 26-May18. You ship them, or drop off work at the beginning, and go pick up your unsold items at the end! They take a 30% commission, which I believe is very reasonable, considering they staff the gallery during business hours, and they provide a very nice space.

The requirements of the show are: 2D and 3D - anything related to plants! The Garden Club and the SAA staff jury the event, which I think is really neat. 

Digital submissions accepted by MARCH 15, 2013 (5pm)

$25 jury fee, or $15 for SAA members. 

Check out their website HERE or contact them at

Click on the below images to see them larger, and print them.